Pretty tumblr girl
Pretty tumblr girl

pretty tumblr girl

Her photos are reblogged thousands of times and she has hundreds of thousands of followers. Say what? A “Tumblr girl” is a young woman who gets quasi-famous on Tumblr for her style (and God-given looks). And for many teenagers, the heights of real-person fashion success are reached with Tumblr – you might not become a full-time model through this method, but you can gain a kind of quickie fame by becoming a “Tumblr girl.” Self-promotion is now just as valid as old-school promotion. Just look at Kim Kardashian’s Instagram account. While paparazzi remain capable of propelling celebrity, anyone who wants to gain fame also masters the art of the selfie.

pretty tumblr girl

Waiting for someone else to take your picture isn’t necessary now. People once excluded from mainstream fashion are using the Internet to blog their way inside, like Leandra Medine of the website The Man Repeller, whose once-hobbyist blog is now an influential fashion staple, replete with sponsorships and brand affiliations. Even formerly crusty, freewheeling events like Bonnaroo and other music festivals have morphed into opportunities for young people to be photographed and included in slideshows in New York Magazine. Fashion stars used to be full-fledged celebrities – your Marilyn Monroes and Jackie Kennedys – but now street fashion blogs like the Sartorialist and Bill Cunningham’s New York Times street fashion photography have mainstreamed the idea that everyone and anyone can be a fashion icon.

Pretty tumblr girl